Reuni keluarga

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Guwai seunyini saudara sai gham kasihi,

Dngan hinji, gham ngejuk pandai jamo ngeghuwau apak, mak, jamo serundo-serundo guwai ghatong di acgha reuni sekelik-sekelik balak Hi. Tamin sai haga dilaksanaken pada :
        Ghani    :  Minggu 28 Agustus 2011
        Pek       : Rang Laya Punai Jaya numur 376
        Waktu   : 10.00 WIB

Kak surat hinji gham guwai, namen wat salah gham kilui maav .
Gham ngarepken supayo sekelik-sekelik balak dapek nyempetken waktu guwai  ghatong di acga reuini gham.
Makko kesan berarti sai di harepken mak lain keghatongan seunini saudara.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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My Hobby

    My hobby is listening to a music. Ussualy i’m listening to music when i’m in a badmood or when my heart was broken to cheer me up and when i’m  study. Eventhough i can not the instrument of the music,  for me listening to a music is that can make me happy. I  think music is not as ordinary art. But music is ordinary art is can to use for everyone and to use for everything. The example to accompany the people who alone, to cheer people when they are sad, and to comfort by sing or dance because music.
    Function of music are to help somebody who got problem.  Because with listen to music somebody’s mine can be refreshed and they can be calm. So, every problem can be soulfed well because we thingking posstively. Ussualy healthy food are contain a lot of vitamins and minerals for brain. But some profesional’s people  opinion said that music can help brain’s develpment.
    Beside,have you ever seen people who dance spritly with a music. And when that music stop, so people stop together and can  be not spritly.  So, people make me lazy to dance. Andirectly music can make our body healthly. And andirectly music can make people happy together.
    Many fuction of music you can use. So, if you listening to a music is not useless. Use your free time, for a moment listen to a music.

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tugu tani

Sebuah mobil Daihatsu Xenia B 2479 XI yang dikemudikan Afriyani Susanti, 29, menabrak belasan orang di Jalan MI Ridwan Rais, Tugu Tani, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat. Sembilan orang tewas. Empat orang luka-luka, dengan satu di antaranya kritis.

Hasil pemeriksaan sementara menunjukkan beberapa faktor penyebab tragedi maut yang terjadi Minggu siang, 22 Januari 2012.

Mulanya pengemudi mengaku rem mobil blong. Dalam pemeriksaan lanjutan, pengemudi mengatakan kehilangan kendali lantaran mobil melaju dengan kecepatan tinggi, mendekati 100 kilometer per jam. Angka ini melebihi batas normal berkendara di dalam kota sekitar 60 kilometer per jam.

Didukung hasil pemeriksaan terhadap tiga saksi yang menumpang mobil tersebut, pengemudi juga diduga menyetir dalam kondisi mengantuk.

"Ketiga saksi mengatakan pengemudi mengantuk, sempat tertidur, hilang kesadaran beberapa detik dan langsung menghantam bagian kiri jalan," ujar Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Dwi Sigit Nurmantyas.

Penyelidikan kasus terus dilakukan. Selain pemeriksaan teknis mengenai kondisi rem mobil, kepolisian akan melakukan tes terkait penggunaan narkotika terhadap pengemudi dan tiga orang yang ada di dalam mobil.

Kepolisian berencana mengumumkan hasil tes urin dan darah pagi ini, 23 Januari 2012. "Tidak ada bekas rem, benturan sangat dahsyat, kerusakan mobil sangat parah, maka kami memandang perlu melakukan pemeriksaan lanjutan pada pengemudi maupun tiga temannya."

Pengemudi ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Dia terbukti berkendara tanpa membawa STNK, tak memiliki SIM, merusak fasilitas umum dan menghilangkan nyawa atas kecelakaan itu.

Dengan jeratan pasal berlapis terkait Undang-undang Nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan, ia terancam hukuman enam tahun penjara dan denda Rp 12 juta.(np)

Opini :

In my opinion drive a car seriousy is the most important thing. If we drive a car in a bad condition like sleppy, daydreaming and specially we are drunk, we shouldn’t drive a car like Afriani did. Because it can be dangerous, like Afriani’s case, she bumped so many people.
                She shouldn’t used the drugs and alcohol, because using drug and alcohol is againist the rule and damager her health. Moreover, she couldn’t feel the efeec of the drug and alcohol, but it’s dangerous because if sh lost her mind’s control she can do something dangerous to us.
                She was observed further by the polices, but she tells them the fake information. She should tell them what excatly happened, to make this cose clear and solved. And the penalty she got suits to her fault and this country’s law.
                And the last, for the victim’s family who lost their family members or who have ther injured f their family members or who have ther injured family members, they have to be patient and accept the truth or the real condition.

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